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About the FireProof Fairbanks Ranch Program
With all due respect, the Fairbanks Ranch Estates and the safety of its residents are threatened by wildfire risk. Fairbanks has been permanently negatively labeled a “WildFire Zone” by the insurance industry. Based on the recent wildfire devastation in Los Angeles, this has led to significantly increased (300-500%) homeowner insurance rate increases or cancellation of coverage.
This “WildFire Zone” label threatens the Fairbanks community reputation, the asset values of all homes, and the potential to not be able to sell your home as “uninsurable.”
Recently, we were told a $13 million dollar home sale was cancelled when the buyer learned that the annual homeowners insurance premium was $200,000. Future buyers will buy in “non-wildfire zone” communities. We believe this is just the beginning. The insurance companies are not done canceling or denying coverage for at-risk wildfire zone properties.
Annual wildfire risk will continue as it has for decades. We now have just months to the beginning of the Fairbanks wildfire season, which runs annually from June (and after LA wildfires) until January. Recent rains have increased the fire fuel load. There is much preparation work to be done to prevent the same potential destruction that happened in LA and that could happen to Fairbanks.
The residents of Pacific Palisades were happy and uninformed the day before the wildfires. Most of the residents’ lives are now devastated forever. In time, you can rebuild any house. But you can never replace the invaluable contents and history inside those destroyed homes. We suggest you walk through your own home's interior. All that you see could be gone in a Fairbanks wildfire. Fire is final.
Doing nothing as a community and as individual homeowners to protect against wildfire is unacceptable.
Right now, the homeowners in Fairbanks are happy and uninformed. A recent community risk assessment of Fairbanks showed that, in addition to the canyon fire corridor and wildland interface on our eastern perimeter, many of our homes are at high risk because they lack “defensible space” due to lush landscaping within 0 to 5 feet of the home and overhead canopy, especially “Roman candle” palms, all significant wildfire fuel. Our recent rains have increased the amount of wildfire fuel supply.
A letter from your neighbor

Solution: FireProof
FireProof is a complete, comprehensive, resident-sponsored and managed individual homeowner membership home wildfire protection program. It is for Fairbanks Ranch Estates residents only.
Learn more in the FAQs below.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What is the FireProof Program?
It is a Fairbanks Ranch resident-managed membership program that provides structure protection during wildfires.
How can I join the program?
Fairbanks, as a community of individual homeowners, must qualify for FireProof.
Request a property risk assessment: Go to the Registration page to request a FireProof risk assessment, which costs $250.
Meet FireProof requirements: Per the risk assessment/program qualification, homeowners agree to make and maintain necessary fire-safe improvements to their property. At-cost vegetation modification crews will assist homeowners with compliance, or homeowners can use other resources.
Sign up for the program: Upon confirmation of your FireProof requirements, you are eligible to become a member, which costs $5,000 annually. (The $250 risk assessment fee is applied to the first year membership.)
How much does it cost?
A FireProof assessment of your property costs $250 to determine whether you qualify for the program. If you qualify, the program costs $5,000 per year minus the initial $250 assessment fee.
What services will I receive before wildfire season?
FireProof will perform the following services upon receiving your membership fee:
Direct the “hardening” and safe space of member homes.
Mitigate the major fire risk of the canyon and eastern perimeter.
Provide ongoing community education to increase the knowledge and capabilities of its members.
How can I contact you?
You can reach us by email at or by using the contact form on the Contacts page. We are always happy to answer your questions.
What services will I receive during wildfire season?
FireProof will perform the following services during wildfire season:
Monitor weather, winds, humidity, etc., for Fairbanks and San Diego County in coordination with local fire authorities.
Pre-position technology and supplies to Fairbanks.
When a potentially active wildfire threatens Fairbanks members, appropriate mobile Fire Protection Units (FPUs) and crews move into Fairbanks full-time until all wildfire threats have ended.
What services will I receive after a wildfire?
FireProof will perform the following services during wildfire season:
Stay until all fires are officially out.
Offer damaged vegetation removal crews to members, or members can use other vendors.
Offer power washing of members' homes and grounds, or members can use other vendors.
Who should join?
All homes are vulnerable. The homes on the canyon are particularly vulnerable because they are closest to wildland vegetation. If they're not protected, these homes become fire corridors into the Fairbanks community in the event of a canyon fire. Interior homes are threatened by ember showers that come from other properties that have been ignited. FireProof program members will save not only their property but also the property of their neighbors.
Is FireProof sponsored by Fairbanks Ranch HOA?
The Fairbanks Ranch Association is not a sponsor of the FireProof program. The HOA does not provide funding for mitigation of the canyon and other homeowner wildfire risk areas. Residents' homes and the safety of their families are each individual homeowner's responsibility. There is no liability risk and path back to the HOA.
FireProof Fairbanks Ranch
Located in Fairbanks Ranch, California, FireProof specializes in wildfire protection, ensuring homes remain safe during wildland fires with expert services.
Fairbanks Ranch, California
FireProof Fairbanks Ranch
Expert wildfire protection for your home today.
© 2025. All rights reserved. FireProof is a service mark of FireProof Fairbanks Ranch.